Turbine blades in aircraft engines and land-based gas turbines are exposed to harsh environmental conditions that make them susceptible to […]
Repair of Single-Crystal CMSX-4 Using the High Velocity Air Fuel Process

Turbine blades in aircraft engines and land-based gas turbines are exposed to harsh environmental conditions that make them susceptible to […]
Due to their high thermal and chemical stability, ternary oxide coatings have been extensively investigated as potential solutions for high-temperature […]
Despite various studies addressing the retention of α phase in thermal sprayed alumina coatings, a noticeable research gap persists regarding […]
The high-temperature corrosion performance of NiMoCr and CoNiCrAl coatings produced by high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) on laser powder bed fusion […]
The ingestion of siliceous particulate debris into the gas turbine engines during operation caused the deposition of so-called CMAS (calcium-magnesium-alumino-silicate) […]
Suspension Plasma Spraying (SPS) is a thermal spray technique used to deposit sub-micron and nano-sized particles. The liquid is evaporated […]
Producing coatings of repeatable quality is a crucial objective of any coating process, including atmospheric thermal spraying (APS). With the […]
This report deals with the development of a self-lubricated plasma sprayed YSZ/BaF2 coating taking the following into account: (i) the […]
The first-of-its-kind use of the active learning (AL) framework in thermal spray is adapted to enhance the prediction accuracy of […]